Wittering Heights

Its better than talking to yourself and they can't section you for blogging, at least I hope not

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Me me meme

Cheryl set me the following questions as part of a meme.

If you would like to play please read the instructions at the end of the post

1. If you were still in Junior school, which modern hero would you be charging round the playground pretending to be?

As a child my favourite comic was always the X-Men series and my fav character was Wolverine with his adamantium skeleton, superhuman strength,healing properties and mutitude of martial arts skills, in my opinion he was unbeatable.
Therefore I could often be found as a young child running around the playground growling at people and slashing at them with my early version of Freddy Krugers blade like fingers.
Wolverine in the Marvel Comics looked like this
As a wolverine fan I think they did a great job in the film and the special effects to make Woverines special adamantium claws come to life were excellent.

2. Name three smells that are evocative of childhood.

Saw dust reminds me of the days when I was more than happy to go to work with my Dad to his butchers shop and the first job my Grandad would do in the morning was to spread the fresh sawdust on the floor.

Brylcream-- I can remember both my Grandfathers wore/ used brylcream to slick their hair back and it still brings back happy memories when i catch a whiff.

American Cream soda-- always reminds me of the trips to my Grans on a sunday. it was a two bus journey and a good mile walk at the other end lasting about 1 1/2 hours but still worth it as there were always fondant cakes and fizzy pop, not always cream soda but thats the one that brings it back

3. Shut your eyes and think of something really good in your past. Where is it in relation to your head? Now think of something horrible in the past, does it come back to you from the same direction?

Yes I think so

4. Name your worst school dinner.

There was no such thing as a bad school dinner, I loved every one of them, the food was always freshly cooked and the puddings were fantastic. My favourite pudding is still the one I liked best at school-- treacle pudding and custard.

5. Describe your happiest recurring weird dream.

I would love to be able to describe my dreams to you but unfortunately as soon as I wake up they are gone, I have even tried the putting a notepad next to the bed to jot stuff down if i woke in the night but when I woke I had a page full of indecipherable scribbling.
I do remember one I used to have as a child which involved a blue poodle(why blue I dont know?) standing on the landing half way down the stairs and it wouldn't let me get down the stairs-- sounds daft now but it used to terrify me as a kid and I still dont like poodles.

In accordance with the rules of the meme, I need to post these instructions:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “Interview me.” You must leave your blog address so I can think of good questions for you!

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different. I’ll post the questions in the comments section of this post.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

I hope somebody plays!

o post these instructions:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying “Interview me.” You must leave your blog address so I can think of good questions for you!

2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person’s will be different. I’ll post the questions in the comments section of this post.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

I hope somebody plays!


  • At Sun Jul 31, 08:52:00 am, Blogger Cheryl said…

    Wow I am very pleased with most of those questions now - LOVE your answers! (Except number 3 but it just means that was a damp squib of a question).

    If I could, I would volunteer just to see what questions you come up with.

  • At Sun Jul 31, 04:02:00 pm, Blogger Doris said…

    This has been a fascinating exercise. Seeing/setting the questions and then writing/reading the answers. Another set of interesting questions and answers! I loved the ideas of the smells and the sawdust thing.

  • At Sun Jul 31, 08:52:00 pm, Blogger Andrea Knapp said…

    You know, I agree with you about school dinners. I loved them. The sausages. And I was always the first in line to get the skin off the custard.

    Oh, good times.

  • At Sun Jul 31, 11:57:00 pm, Blogger Shane said…

    I guess we went to different schools. I remember being served a 'cube' of fat and told that it was 'lamb'. And prunes, oh the havoc that prunes would wreak... 'Mum, can I take packed lunch - they've been cooking school dinners at us again'.

    [Did this meme on June 2nd so will pass also - shucks, double shucks and triple shucks indeed.]


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